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Cognitive Function May be Benefitted by Daily Multivitamin Consumption

People started to take their health more seriously after the COVID-19 pandemic. To boost immunity and combat the deadly virus, daily vitamin supplements were a common staple in many households.

A recent study found that multivitamin supplementation can improve cognitive health in older adults, particularly by increasing the body’s immune system.

A study on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia found that regular multivitamin intake for both men and women helped to delay cognitive decline by around 60%. The most noticeable effects are seen in those with heart disease.

Multivitamins are a good choice if you worry about cognitive decline as you age.

Do you still wonder if multivitamins can help improve your mental health? Continue reading to find out more about the benefits it has for cognitive development.

The Connection between Daily Multivitamins & Cognitive Health

Researchers from Wake Forest University School of Medicine and Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital tested 2,262 individuals aged 65 and over for three years in order to assess their cognitive function.

Researchers compared test scores with those who received cocoa extract and placebo to determine the function of each.

The results of the three-year study showed that multivitamin supplement respondents had signs of delayed cognitive ageing by 60%. This is equivalent to 1.8 years.

Those who took cocoa extract supplements for three years did not experience any significant cognitive impairment.

Study also revealed that multivitamins are most beneficial for older adults who have had a history of cardiovascular disease.

This research was not the only one. A separate study by the National Institutes of Health found that cognitive decline can be linked with vitamin deficiencies, especially Vitamin B12. Supplementing your brain with daily multivitamins can improve its function.

What happens during cognitive decline in older adults?

Cognitive decline is characterized by difficulties in thinking, concentration, memory recall, and other cognitive functions. Other brain functions may be affected by aging.

You may experience cognitive decline gradually or abruptly. This condition may be temporary or permanent. This condition can make it difficult for both the person experiencing it and their loved ones.

It is possible to forget more as you get older. However, there are some signs that cognitive impairment can present:

  • More often forgetting things
  • Not attending important events and missing crucial appointments
  • During conversations, sudden loss of your mind
  • Feeling overwhelmed by decision-making and/or the task at hand
  • Sudden forgetfulness in familiar surroundings
  • Poor judgment repeatedly
  • Becoming more impulsive

Your family and friends may notice changes in your memory recall, and other functions.

Cognitive problems can be caused by hormones, neurodegenerative disorders, substance abuse, and vitamin deficiencies.

Five Ingredients You Should Look For in a Daily Multivitamin Supplement

To delay cognitive decline as long as possible, it is important to always read the label on your multivitamins in order to reap the maximum benefits.

You must include these nutrients in your daily vitamin:

B Vitamins

Vitamin B complexes B6, B9 (Folic Acid) and B12 play a crucial role in mental health. Your doctor may prescribe Vitamin B supplements to improve your cognitive abilities if you are at high risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.

A daily multivitamin such as Immune Boost may be a good choice. It contains high levels of Vitamin B Complex. The product’s Vitamin B12 content is only 30 mcg. This is 12500% more than the daily recommended value.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant properties, which protect brain cells from damage by free radicals. study published by Nutrients found that high plasma levels can help improve cognitive performance.

Vitamin E is a nutrient that is naturally found in nuts, seeds and plant-based oils. However, Vitamin E can also be found in multivitamins such as Immune Boost, which has an 83 mg recommended daily dose.


To enhance your mental performance, daily multivitamins must contain L-theanine (natural amino acid from tea). Based on a Randomized Controlled Trial, this unique amino acid significantly increases brain activity.

A study found that higher amounts of L-Theanine are more important than the amount you get from green tea. Supplements like Immune Boost may be able to deliver the desired results.


Medical experts believe that this ancient Indian herb can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including cystic fibrosis and gastric ulcer. However, studies have shown that this ingredient can improve brain health and combat Alzheimer’s disease.

Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and lipophilic properties play an important role in Alzheimer’s patients’ cognitive functions. To combat mental degeneration, you can take Immune Boost as a multivitamin supplement.

Vitamin C

Multivitamins such as Immune Boost are high in Vitamin C, which boosts your immune system. These supplements can positively impact your cognitive function, so you can give yourself a pat on the back.

A report shows that fixing micronutrient deficiencies with a balanced multivitamin can have positive effects on cognitive function. To keep your brain healthy and to improve immune system function, you need high levels of Vitamin C.


Most Frequently Asked Questions

Are Daily Multivitamins Effective for You?

Multivitamins may be beneficial for your health, according to studies. However, more research is needed to confirm its beneficial effects on the brain.

Do Daily Multivitamins help with retaining memories?

Memory loss can be delayed by taking multivitamins with Vitamin B12 and natural supplement like Ginkgo Biloba, if you believe these claims. To ensure sharpening of your mind over time, you only need to look for high-quality supplements.

What is the time it takes for multivitamins to work?

Most people notice improvements in three to six weeks after starting multivitamins. You might see results in less time if you are very deficient in a particular nutrient.

How long should you take a multivitamin?

Multivitamin supplements are usually taken for a short time. The duration of these supplements will depend on your individual needs.

Do you need to take multivitamins before or after meals?

Since fat can aid absorption, it is best to take your supplements with food. It is possible to mix it with liquid, to help your body absorb the vitamins.


Daily Multivitamins can help you fight cognitive decline

As we age, cognitive degeneration is common. You can slow down the effects of age on your mental development by taking the right multivitamins.

You can make sure your brain performs at its best with a trusted multivitamin supplement such as Immune Boost.

Remember to take multivitamins every day. You will have a sharp mind and a good memory for a long period of time if you eat well and exercise regularly.

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