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5 Cold Water Benefits: Why Cold Water Immersion Is Good for You

People are increasingly turning to cold water immersion therapy because of its popularity. They have started taking cold showers, ice baths and even diving into freezing water.

You might be skeptical if this is the first time you have heard of cold water immersion. But those who are embracing the cold water immersion craze don’t see it as a problem. They also see it as a way to improve their overall health.

Numerous studies have examined the benefits of cold water, particularly how it can positively impact your psychological and physiological health.

Here are the benefits and reasons why cold water immersion therapy is so popular.

Is Cold Water Immersion a Good Option? Here are 5 benefits to consider

1. May Help Muscle Recovery

A common intervention for athletes is cold water immersion. Cold water immersion is thought to promote muscle regeneration and recovery, which could lead to improved athletic performance.

A systematic review of the current literature revealed that cold water immersion helps reduce exercise-induced muscle soreness. Although researchers are still trying to determine the exact mechanism of action, they have come up with the following hypothesis:

  • Cold water lowers tissue temperature, which reduces nerve transmission speed. This can help reduce muscle spasms, and may lower pain perception.
  • Cold water causes blood vessels in the body to contract, which prevents swelling and edema. This stimulates blood flow, which allows for better nutrient and waste transport (including lactic acid)
  • Cold water decreases the inflammatory response that is triggered by trauma exercise. It can also lower the tissue’s metabolic rate, and increase oxygen requirements.

Cold water immersion can have a negative impact on long-term gains in muscle mass and strength. This recovery intervention should not be used during competitions or intense exercise.

2. Help Lower Inflammation

People with chronic inflammation or inflammation-related conditions may benefit from cold water immersion.

According to studies, therapies such as cold water immersion and cryotherapy can reduce inflammation-associated biomarkers. This allows to reduce morning stiffness, and decrease the severity of pain.

One study suggested that cold water exposure can cause the body to increase metabolism to produce heat. This reduces the ability of a dysfunctional immune system to attack the body. This can help reduce inflammation-related symptoms.

Cold water immersion, on the other hand can increase leukocytes and white blood cells — which helps fight respiratory infections. This observation is consistent with the anecdotal evidence that cold water swimmers are less likely to catch colds or have symptoms like coughs.

3. May improve mood and well-being

The effects of cold water immersion can also be beneficial for overall mood and well being.

One study found that participants felt more active and energetic after four months of cold-water swimming. Participants also reported feeling less tired and having a better mood than those in the control group. These participants also had conditions like fibromyalgia, asthma, and rheumatism. They reported that their pain was lessened.

One case study showed that a young lady saw a decrease in her depressive symptomsafter each session of cold water swimming.

Research has shown that cold water immersion therapy can activate the sympathetic nervous system. This causes the release of positive hormones like epinephrine, dopamine and others. It can also increase noradrenaline levels which causes alertness and arousal.

The following explanations can explain the mood-boosting effects of cold water immersion:

  • The brain can be stimulated by the cold water’s physical shock, which can have antidepressant effects. It can also make you feel more awake and less tired .
  • Resilience may be possible through cold water immersion. The stress of cold water exposure can cause our bodies to learn to adapt. Our bodies are more able to adapt when exposed to similar stressors.
  • Cold water immersion reduces pain, soreness and inflammation. This indirectly benefits our mood and well-being. Because we’re not in pain, we feel happier.

4. Increase circulation

Research also showed that cold water immersion could improve blood circulation and positively impact physical health.

Blood vessels will contract when exposed to cold water. The majority of blood goes to your tissues, organs, and muscles. It also provides valuable nutrients and oxygen. After cold water exposure, blood vessels dilate, which helps to remove waste products.

Constant cold water therapy can improve blood flow. This can help reduce your risk of developing heart disease and other diseases that affect the circulatory system.

5. May Promote Weight Loss

How can cold water immersion help me lose weight? Research has shown that people who live in cold environments tend to have a greater basal metabolic rate. One study found that young men who were exposed to temperatures of 68 degrees (F), experienced a 93% increase their metabolic rate.

Burning more calories is associated with a high metabolism. Cold water immersion can help you lose weight, or keep your weight healthy.

Another study found that cold water immersion can increase brown adipose (BAT) activity. BAT is considered to be a “good fat” for energy production. They enable us to burn more calories to keep our body warm in cold weather.

White adipose tissues (WAT), on the other hand, is a “bat” fat that stores energy in form of triglycerides. These triglycerides are stored in fat cells and can lead to heart disease.

These findings suggest that cold water immersion could help you lose more calories, which is a key component to weight loss. Unfortunately, the current research is limited. To establish a stronger connection between cold water immersion, weight loss, and other factors, more research is required.

Also, cold temperatures can increase appetite. To maximize the potential weight loss benefits of cold water immersion, it is important to not consume too much.

How to start cold water immersion therapy

You can see that cold water immersion therapy may have many health benefits. You can expect more research to add to the list of cold-water benefits. The current literature is promising, however.

Are you ready to give up your electric heater and embrace cold water? We recommend that you start slowly by immersing yourself in cold water, such as ice baths or cold showers. To help build tolerance, it’s important that you ease into the practice.

You’ll then be ready to tackle the winter challenge of open-water swimming in winter!

Consult your primary doctor to rule out any underlying conditions that may pose safety and health risks. Safety is the most important priority, even though cold water may be beneficial.

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