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Here are 7 secrets to help you stay on track during the holidays for your fitness goals – Revealed!

7 Secrets To Stay On Track During The Holidays For Your Fitness Goals - Revealed! The holiday season is rapidly approaching. This means that you will be surrounded by family and friends throughout the holiday season.

The holiday cheer can fill your heart with warmth because of the joy that your loved ones bring to your events. However, it could also cause you to lose focus on your health and distract from your weight loss efforts.

During the holiday season, weight gain is normal. It can be demoralizing to gain weight if you have lost a lot of weight in the past months.

With just a few tips, it is possible to avoid holiday health woes. How do you avoid it? To keep you on track with your health journey and enjoy the festivities, read the rest of this article.

7 Tips to Keep Your Holiday Fitness Goals in Check

Learn how to stay on track and still have fun while you enjoy the season.

1. Be realistic

It can be difficult to resist the temptation of feasting on delicious holiday dishes, as holidays are full of parties and gatherings.

You should strive to stay fit and healthy throughout the year, but you shouldn’t let yourself down if you indulge in holiday treats.

You can also take a break from your gym routine. You won’t lose all your muscle gains from the previous months by skipping a single workout. This does not mean you should abandon your fitness journey.

Setting realistic expectations for the holidays will help you stick to your goals faster. If you’re on a weight loss journey, for example, expect to keep your weight the same as it is now.

A workout schedule may be set up at least twice per week, instead of your usual daily routine at the gym. This will allow you to feel good about not being able to attend your workout sessions if they are scheduled during one of your holiday parties.

Set achievable fitness goals for the next weeks to enjoy the holidays guilt-free.

2. Follow the 80/20 Rule

The holidays are a great time to set realistic goals.

This means that you should adhere to your weekly fitness and diet plan for at least 80% of the time. This means that you should keep your routine and exercise habits the same.

Next, set aside 20% of your weekly time to enjoy the holidays. You can enjoy all the delicious meals, drinks, desserts, and snacks that you desire during this time.

This rule will help keep you on track with your fitness goals, even if you do indulge in some sweet treats.

You can create a list of events to help you prioritize which parties you choose for your feasting day. Then pick the one that you enjoy the most if you have more than one event in your week.

You should also be careful not to overeat on days that are important for your fitness goals.

3. Designate an Accountability Partner

It will make your journey easier and more enjoyable if someone reminds you of your goals.

To make it easier for you to attend parties at night, plan to do holiday workouts early in the morning. It can be easier to ask someone to join you for early workouts. If you have someone to workout with, you won’t panic or go off-task.

Your accountability partner may be able to remind you of your health goals. To keep yourself motivated, you might set up a challenge with friends if you need to avoid sugar or increase your water intake.

4. Enjoy a feast of proteins

You should try to eat more protein at holiday meals.

Your appetite will be lower if you eat more protein. You will feel less hungry and have fewer cravings for snacks.

For holiday meals, you can choose from either animal or plant protein sources. To feel satisfied before you head to your party, it is a good idea to take Lean Protein supplements.

You don’t have to worry about eating too many proteins, even if you eat less of the healthy food choices.

5. Slow down and eat

It may help you to eat slowly at holiday parties.

Slow eating can slow down your stomach and brain. There have been several studies that suggest slow eating can reduce food intake and increase your appetite hormones.

Slow eating can also reduce calories. Slow eating can help you lose weight, even if you eat a lot during holidays.

6. Make Your Own Healthy Snacks

You can bring healthy snacks or treats to keep yourself from overindulging at holiday parties. This will allow you to share your love with your friends and have something to munch on while you bond with them.

You can bring anything, from colorful vegetables or fruit trays with yogurt dip to pockets of nuts or a packet of trail mix. If you are looking to cut down on artificial sugar, fruit skewers can be brought to enjoy something sweet as dessert.

7. Hydrate with water

Wine is always more fun at parties. Be aware that a glass of wine, or can of beer, is loaded with calories which could cause you to gain weight. Even carbonated sodas or cups of sweetened coffee could add inches to your stomach.

Water is the best drink to keep you on track with your fitness during holidays. Water will help you avoid excess calories and dehydration .

Bonus: The Right Mindset is Key

These tips can help you enjoy the holidays while still watching your weight. However, you need to be mindful of one thing: having the right mindset. You need to be mindful and focused, disciplined, motivated, and most importantly, a positive outlook for the new year.


Most Frequently Asked Questions


What is the average holiday weight gain?

After a week of holiday partying, you can expect to gain at most four pounds. It could contain approximately two pounds of water, and two pounds of weight.


Is it possible to immediately lose holiday weight?

You may not be able to lose all of your holiday weight immediately. To lose the extra pounds, you may need to cut down on calories and follow your exercise routine for at least five more months.

What Makes You Feel Bloated during the Holidays?

Bloating could be due to holiday food choices. Bloating can be caused by a diet that includes too many calories and/or drinks.

You can stay on track this holiday season

To keep your body healthy and fit during the holidays, it is important to find a balance that suits your body. Remember why you want a healthy body. This will help you stay motivated to be fit.

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