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No guilt baking: Delicious protein muffins and pancakes

protein pancake and muffin baking recipeBaking pastries can be healthy. Baking pastries are often associated with sugary, carbohydrate-rich, or fat-rich pastries. We can enjoy delicious baked goods without feeling guilty if we are more mindful about the ingredients we use.

Baking can be made healthier by replacing unhealthy ingredients with more nutritious ones. You can also add additional ingredients to your food that will provide more nutrients, such as protein powders.

Are you looking to start healthy baking by trying out new recipes? Wild Rye Baking Company has teamed up to bring you some healthy recipes that you can try.

Healthy But Good Muffins


1 box Wild Rye Baking Pancake Mix

2 eggs

1/4 cup maple syrup

1/4 cup olive oil

1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree

1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 scoop Xendurance Lean

1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional)

  1. Preheat your oven to 325 degF.
  2. Combine eggs, maple syrup and olive oil in a large bowl until smooth.
  3. You can also add the pancake mix, cinnamon, Lean and pecans to the package.
  4. Bake for 20-30 minutes in a muffin pan lined with grease or parchment.
  5. Enjoy!


protein muffin recipe

Protein Pancakes


2 eggs

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

1 Cup of Milk

1 box Wild Rye Baking Pancake Mix

1 scoop of Xendurance Lean

  1. Mix eggs, oil, and milk in a large bowl.
  2. Mix in the pancake mix and the protein. Mix everything together!
  3. A lightly oil skillet is ready to heat!
  4. Make sure to brown the pancakes on both sides.
  5. Enjoy!

protein pancake recipe

Choosing Healthy Ingredients

We used a healthier option and a nutritional supplement to improve the food in these recipes. Wild Rye’s Almond Flour Pancake Mix was substituted for wheat flour to make this healthier. For additional nutrients, we also added some Xendurance Lean protein!

Almond Flour: A Versatile Substitute

What is Almond Flour?

Almond flour is an alternative to wheat flour. It is made from blanched almonds, which have been ground into a fine powder.

Almond flour has gained popularity as a replacement for traditional flour, as more people are becoming more aware of their health. Almond flour has many advantages over traditional flour, not only in nutrition, but also in taste.

These are some of the benefits of almond flour as an alternative to baking flour:


1. It helps to maintain blood sugar levels in check

Traditional flours are high in carbohydrate, but only low in fat and fiber. This can cause blood sugar levels to quickly drop and spike.

Almond flour, on the other hand has a lower carb count and high levels of fiber as well as healthy fats. Almond flour is low in glycemic, which means it releases sugar slowly and controlled.

Magnesium, which can greatly improve your body’s health, is also found in this product. It helps regulate your blood sugar and improves your insulin function. Almond flour is a good choice for those who need to monitor their blood sugar levels.


2. It doesn’t have Gluten

Gluten sensitivity has been discovered by many people all over the globe. Gluten sensitivity is when gluten can cause adverse health effects.

Almond flour, which is gluten-free, can be used by people with gluten sensitivities.


3. It is a rich source of nutrients

Almond flour has a low carbohydrate content, but it is rich in fats and fibers which means it provides more calories. It makes up for this by providing the body with many nutrients it needs.

Almond flour, as mentioned above, is high in magnesium. This isn’t the only nutrient that almond flour provides to your body.

The wheat flour substitute also contains many nutrients such as vitamin E, protein, copper, manganese and phosphorous.


4. It’s easy to bake with

Almond flour can be substituted for wheat flour in a 1:1 ratio, so you don’t need to make many conversions. It can be used as a substitute for breadcrumbs and cornmeal, making it versatile.

This ingredient, however, is more coarse than traditional flour and does not contain gluten. Expect baked goods to be slightly denser and more flat.

Protein Powder: A Healthy Addition

Protein is an important part of every person’s diet. There are many options for protein that can be incorporated into a person’s diet. A protein powder supplement is a great way to get the nutrient.

Our health is dependent on protein. There are many benefits to ensuring that our bodies get enough protein. These are just a few:


Increases muscle growth and recovery

Muscle growth and recovery are two of the most important functions of protein in our health.

Supplementing with protein is a great way to build muscle and bulk up.

Take protein supplements if you are looking to keep fit and active. They can reduce any muscle damage that you might have sustained from exercise.


Keep your gut healthy

Study has shown that people who eat plant-based proteins have a better gut profile and are less likely to contract diseases.

There are many options for protein powder on the market today. There are two options: plant-derived proteins (soy/pea, hemp), or animal-derived proteins (whey, casein). You can simply add it to your beverages and desserts to reach the recommended daily intake of protein.


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