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Top 5 Reasons Ashwagandha is Good for Stress Relief

Is ashwagandha effective for stress relief? Let’s first talk briefly about stress.

It is well-known that stress can have adverse effects. Constant stress can lead to mental and physical health problems, as well as increasing the risk of developing various diseases.

Environmental stressors are not going away, unfortunately. It is important to learn how to manage it without resorting to unhealthy behavior.

Ashwagandha is a natural and safe way to manage stress. Ashwagandha is a traditional medicinal herb that has been used for thousands to relieve stress and improve overall well-being.

You want to learn why ashwagandha can be a great stress reliever? Continue reading to discover all the reasons ashwagandha is so great for stress relief.

What is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), is a herb shrub that is native to Asia and Africa. It is also known as Indian ginseng and wild cherry.

Ashwagandha is a Sanskrit word that means “smells like a horse”, because the fresh roots of this herb smell similar to it. Ingestion of the medicinal herb was believed to give strength and vitality in a similar way as consuming horse manure.

Ashwagandha is part of a group called adaptogens. These plants are believed to have health benefits, including a lower stress level, anxiety, fatigue, and overall better well-being.

Ashwagandha, an integral part Indian traditional medicine Ayurveda has been used for thousands to treat insomnia, rheumatism and other conditions.

Rasayanas is a tonic made from the roots of the plant that was used to improve the health of children who were emaciated. It was also administered to adults to slow down aging and treat the debilitations caused by old age.

Many studies have shown that ashwagandha is an antioxidant, anxiolytic and aphrodisiac. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Ashwagandha can be used to relieve stress and improve physical and mental health.

Here are the Top Stress-Busting Benefits Of Ashwagandha

After we have explored the history of ashwagandha we will now explore the many stress-busting properties of this herbal herb.

1. Lower Stress and Anxiety

Stress stimulates our hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. It triggers a series of responses in the body that leads to the release of cortisol and serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) — biomarkers of stress in the body.

In turn, stress hormones can cause increased blood pressure, mood swings and weight gain.

Research has shown that ashwagandha modulates The HPA axis. This helps to reduce anxiety and stress levels.

One study enrolled 60 people with chronic stress history. They were randomly assigned to either a placebo or treatment group. For 60 days, the treatment group received 300 mg of high-concentration Ashwagandha twice daily. The treatment group had a significantly lower stress level and cortisol than the placebo group.

According to the study, ashwagandha may increase one’s resilience to stress and improve our quality of living.

Ashwagandha’s anxiolytic and stress-relieving properties make it a promising option, as chronic stress can lead to depression and other mental health problems.

2. Better Heart Health

Chronic stress can increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Stress can also lead to unhealthy habits like smoking and eating too much. Cortisol levels are also higher than those associated with blood sugar and blood pressure.

Ashwagandha may improve your heart health by protecting you against heart disease. Although studies have not shown a direct link between Ashwagandha use and better heart health, scientists have discovered many benefits to the medicinal herb.

In sleep-inducing qualities. It may also improve sleep quality and mental alertness by rising.

The Sleep Foundation suggests that this could be due ashwagandha’s triethylene glycol which can cause sleepiness. It may modulate GABA receptors which can cause sleepiness and increase REM time.

4. Better Cognitive Function

Your cognitive function can be negatively affected by stress. Chronic stress can cause anxiety and depression, which can lead to disorganized thinking and forgetfulness.

2017 study highlighted the memory-enhancing qualities of ashwagandha. Participants who consumed 300mg of ashwagandha extract over eight weeks had significantly better memory, information processing speed, and executive function.

Although the mechanism of cognitive improvement is still unclear, animal studies suggest that ashwagandha may influence the modulation and transmission of cholinergic neurotransmission.

This is crucial for chemical neurotransmission between the central and peripheral nervous system. This has a broad impact on cognitive functions such as memory, learning and attention.

5. Enhanced Sexual Function

One’s sexual function can be affected by chronic stress. Stress can make it difficult to have intimate relationships. A high level of stress hormones can reduce your sexual drive and libido.

The Natural Medicine Journal states that ashwagandha root extract may help with female sexual dysfunction. The ashwagandha root extract was taken twice daily for eight weeks by participants. They showed significant improvements in sexual arousal, lubrication and orgasm scores when compared to the placebo group.

Ashwagandha can increase androgen levels. This is a key element in the female sexual function. Both males and women can experience an increase in testosterone by using the medicinal herb.

A Few Questions about Ashwagandha

What does Ashwagandha do for your body?

Ashwagandha, a powerful herb, can reduce stress and anxiety and improve heart health. It can also improve sleep quality, cognitive function, sexual function and overall well-being.

Are Ashwagandha and Anxiety Good?

Yes. Ashwagandha can help reduce stress and anxiety.

What are the Side Effects of Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha can cause side effects just like any other supplement. Some side effects include nausea, upset stomach, and diarrhea. However, most of these symptoms will disappear as your body adjusts.

It is not recommended to take ashwagandha while pregnant, nursing, or immunocompromised. It is best to discuss any medication with your doctor before you start taking ashwagandha. Ashwagandha can interact with some medications.

What does Ashwagandha do for females?

Studies have shown that Aswagandha can help to relieve stress and improve female sexual function. Ashwagandha interacts with androgen receptors which are a key component of women’s sexual function.

Does Ashwagandha Work Immediately?

Different people will react differently. While some people may notice the benefits of ashwagandha within a few days, others may wait several days or even weeks. To reap the full benefits of ashwagandha supplements, it may take as long as 10 weeks.

Will Ashwagandha Make You Sleepy?

Ashwagandha can cause sleepiness so don’t drive or engage in strenuous activity while taking it.

Are you able to take Ashwagandha in the morning or at night?

Ashwagandha can be taken in the morning, or at night. To maximize the relaxation and sleep-inducing effects of this herbal supplement, you should take it at night.

Ashwagandha can help you get rid of stress

It is not easy to deal with stress. Stress can also cause damage to our mental and physical health over time. This makes us more susceptible to environmental stressors.

We have a remedy that can help you get rid of stress and all its associated problems.

Ashwagandha can be used to reduce stress and anxiety. This can help us live a more fulfilling life.

Moreover, ashwagandha is a natural way to feel better.


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